Dr. Evelyne A Lazaro

Dr. Evelyne A Lazaro is an agricultural economist by profession specializing in development economics. Studied undergraduate degree (1981-1983) at University of Dar-Es-Salaam in Agriculture (Tanzania) specializing in Rural/Agricultural Economics, MSc (1984-1986) in Agricultural Economics at Michigan State University (USA) and PhD at Sokoine University of Agriculture in 1996 (partly done at the university of Hohenheim (Germany) in Agricultural Economics. Currently, is employed at Sokoine University of Agriculture as senior research fellow with Research focus and consultancies related to economic development and rural-urban linkages.

She Has participated and been coordinator of research projects including DANIDA funded project SAFE focusing on Safety and Agro-food exports; ProGrOV focusing on among others  improvement of organic agriculture agribusiness & understanding of modern food Chains in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania, an EU funded RURBAN Africa project focusing on ruwitgral-city connections for rural and urban transformation. and a DANIDA funded RUCROP project focusing on emerging urban centres and their role in rural and agricultural transformation; and ;RUT project focusing on the role of emerging Urban Centres on rural transformation. 

She is contributing author to edited books including:
Natural Resources Management in African Agriculture (CABI Publishing), Rainwater Harvesting for Natural Resources Management (Sida publishing), International al Assessment of Agriculture Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development: Sub-Saharan Africa (IAAKST) (Island Press) and Global Agro-food Trade and Standards: Challenges for Africa (Eds: Peter Gibbon, Stefano Ponte and Evelyne Lazaro, Multifunctional Agriculture, Ecology and Food Security: International Perspectives (Editors: J. Ram Pillarisetti, Roger Lawrey and Azman Ahmad).

She is also author and co-author of several professional articles including journal articles and working papers

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