Dr. Fulgence Joseph Mishili

Dr. Fulgence Joseph Mishili is a Senior Lecturer and Head at the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness (DAEA), Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA), Tanzania. He teach both undergraduate and graduate degree program in areas of agricultural economics and agribusiness. Also conduct research, consultancy and extension work in the areas of agricultural economics and agribusiness.

Academic qualification
Ph.D.Agricultural Economics, Purdue University– May 2009
Dissertation research: Grain Legumes Trade and Markets: Spatial and Temporal Analysis for Common Beans Trade in Tanzania and Its Neighbours. Advisors: Lowenberg-DeBoer, James, Fulton Joan, Channing Arndtand Jooste Andre.

M.S. Agricultural Economics (Agribusiness Management), Purdue University, 2003 – 2005
Thesis title: Cowpea markets and Consumer Preference in Ghana. Advisors: Fulton Joan, Lowenberg-DeBoer, James and Murdock Larry

MBA (Marketing), University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 1997 – 1999
Thesis title: Analysis of factors affecting value perception of retail stores in Dar Es Salaam. Advisor: K. OkosoAmaa

BSc. Degree in Agriculture (General), Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania, 1993 – 1997.
Mini-thesis: Pedological investigation of selected soils of Sumbawanga district, Rukwa region. Advisor: Msanya, Balthazar M.

Diploma in Agromechanization, MlinganoTanga, Tanzania, 1989 – 1991.

Work experience:
Leadership and Management
External Examiner – MU (July 2015 – July 2018

Appointed  External Examiner for Mzumbe University Examinations and Dissertation/Thesis as of July 20th 2015 to July 19th 2018, Mzumbe University, Morogoro, Tanzania.

Board Member and Assistant Board Chair – SUGECO (March 2015 – to date)

Elected Board Member and Assistance Board Chair for Sokoine University Graduate Entrepreneurs Cooperative (SUGECO), March 27th 2015

Committee member – PAPAC (February 2015 – todate)

Appointed advisory committee member for Platform for Agriculture Policy Analysis and Coordination (PAPAC), under the Ministry of Agriculture, Food Security and Cooperatives,The United Republic of Tanzania, February 23rd, 2015.

External Examiner, (May 2013 –  to date)
Appointed External Examiner for the Department of Business Administration, The University of Dodoma, Dodoma, Tanzania.

Country Coordinator and Researcher, (June 1st 2012 – December 31st 2016)
For the project entitled “Identifying socioeconomic constraints to and incentives for faster technology adoption: Pathways to sustainable intensification in Eastern and Southern Africa (Adoption Pathways)” funded by The International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (“CIMMYT”).

Assistant Country Coordinator and Researcher, (May 1st 2012 – March 31st 2016)
For the project entitled “African Rural-City Connections – RurbanAfrica”, working in collaboration with nine Universities; University of Copenhagen (Denmark), University of Utrecht (The Netherlands), Loughbough University (United Kingdom), The International Institute of Environment and Development (UK), University of Toulose II Le Mirail (France), National University of Rwanda (Rwanda), Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania), University of Dschang (Cameroon) and University of Ghana (Ghana), funded by European Commission.

Principal Investigator- PI, (April 1st – November 30th 2012)
For the project entitled “Enhancing vegetable value chains in rice-based and sole crop production systems to improve farm household income and consumer access to safer vegetables inMorogoro, Tanzania”. The project was implemented in collaboration with AVRDC – The World Vegetable Center with its Regional Center for Africa in Tanzania and fundedby The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA).

Consultancy and Assignments

Consultancy work, Performance Evaluation for FtF in Tanzania (April – August 2015)

Senior Agricultural Economist for USAID/Tanzania – Midterm Performance Evaluation of Feed the Future (FtF) Tanzania work with Social Impact, INC. and Associates the US based Company. The main Focus of Performance Evaluation was for the three FtF programs in Tanzania namely; NAFAkA, Mwanzo Bora and TuboresheChakula “Tuboche”.

Consultancy work, (June 2014 – December 2014)
Consultancy work: Socioeconomic Study on Livestock and Agriculture Development in Zanzibar, Post-tsetse Eradication, for International Atomic Energy Agency, Wagramerstrasse, Vienna, Austria.

Consultancy work, (January 2013 – October 2013)
Consultancy work to evaluate the Improving Public Policies to Enhance Private Sector Participation in Staple Food Seed Production and Marketing in Tanzania: A Case of Maize, Beans, Paddy and Sorghum Sub-sectors, funded by AGRA through, Tanzania Seeds Policy Action Node.

Published papers / work

Kizima J. B., Mtengeti E. J., Nchimbi-Msolla S. and Mishili F. J. (2015) Profitability of Irrigating Grass Pasture for Seed and Forage Production in Tanzania: A case of Cenchrusciliaris. Proceedings of the 2ndScientific Conference -Rangeland Society of Tanzania(RST) held at Morogoro Hotel, Morogoro, 2nd-3rdMarch, 2015

Kibona, K, J. and F. J. Mishili, (2011), Analysis of Cocoa Value Chain: A Case of Kyela District in Mbeya Region, Tanzania, Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development, Vol. 8, pp 39.

Tesha, J. D., W. Barnos and F. J. Mishili, (2011) “Contribution of Agricultural Marketing Co-Operatives (AMCOS) in Poverty Alleviation: A Case Study of Cashew Nut Farmers in Mtwara Region”, Journal of Cooperative and Business Studies (JCBS), Vol.1, Number 2, 2011,  pp 15 – 54

Martina Kirchberger and Mishili Fulgence, (2011) “Agricultural Productivity Growth in Kagera Between 1991 and 2004”, International Growth Centre, London School of Economics and Political Science, April 2011.

Mishili, Fulgence Joseph,Temu Anna, Fulton Joan and Lowenberg-DeBoer, J.(2011) ‘Consumer Preferences as Drivers of the Common Bean Trade in Tanzania: A Marketing Perspective’, Journal of International Food& Agribusiness Marketing, 23: 2, 110 – 127.

Mishili, F. J., J. Fulton, M. Shehu, S. Kushwaha, K. Marfo, M. Jamal, A. Kergna and J. Lowenberg-DeBoer, (2009), “Consumer Preferences for Quality Characteristics along the Cowpea Value Chain in Nigeria, Ghana and Mali”, Agribusiness, Vol. 25, Issue No.1, Winter 2009, pp 16-35.

Mishili, F. J.,A. Temu, N. Mdoe, (2009), “Stylized Facts in Livestock Sector in Tanzania in the Past 25 years: Catching Up With Neighbours or Left Behind?”, Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Scientific Conference, BoT Hall, Mwanza, Tanzania, 22nd – 25thSeptember 2009, TSAP Conference Series Vol. 33.

Erickson, B. J., F. J. Mishili, and J.M. Lowenberg-DeBoer, (2005),“Value of More Uniform Nitrogen Application Across the Toolbar. Online. Crop Management doi:10.1094/CM-2005-0714-0 1-RS.

Minga, T. U., F. J. Mishili and N. Y. S. Mdoe (2002), Cut flower business towards poverty alleviation at household level: Dar es Salaam Region, Tanzania as a case study,AGRESTScientific Conference Proceedings Vol. (6), 2002, pp 98.

Mishili, F. J.,  N. Y. S. Mdoe and E. Rutatora (2002) Barriers to Markets for Small Scale Agricultural Produce Traders: Poverty Creation or Alleviation?AGRESTScientific Conference Proceedings Vol. (6), 2002, pp 136.

Cyril, I., F. J. Mishili and N. Y. S. Mdoe (2002), Urban Agriculture as A Way of Poverty Alleviation in Tanzania: A case study of Dairy Keepers in Morogoro Municipal, Tanzania,AGRESTScientific Conference Proceedings Vol. (6), 2002, pp 172.

Mdoe, N. S. Y.,  F. J. Mishili, A. B.  Mwakalobo and J.K. Urassa (2001),The Roleof Livestock and Wildlife to Poverty Alleviation The Selous area, Morogoro Rural District, Tanzania Veterinary Association Proceedings, Volume 21, 2001, pp 65 – 73.

Extension Material

Bruce Erickson,Fulgence Mishili and Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer, (2005)
alue of more uniform N application across the toolbar, Purdue Agricultural Economics Report, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University, USA.

Bruce Erickson, Jess Lowenberg-DeBoer, and Fulgence Mishili, (2004)
alue of more uniform N application across the toolbar, self study module for Indiana CCA convention, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University, USA.http://www.indianacca.org/inccatraining/2004/

Kurwijila, R. L., S. N. Y. Mdoe, J. Sechuma, K. R. Mnenwa and F. J. Mishili (2002)
Mbinu Bora zaKuhifadhi, UsindikajinaBiasharayaMaziwa (Appropriate Techniques in Milk Preservation, Processing and Marketing of Milk for Dairy Enterprises in Tanzania), Issue Number TZ- 04 in SUA-ILRI-NRI Milk Marketing Project, 2002 series. Funded by DfID and ILRI., 30 pp.

Class materials

Mishili, F. J. (2014), Marketing Management: A Teaching Manual, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Sokoine University of Agriculture, 117 pp.

Mishili, F. J. (2014), Agricultural Marketing Management: A Teaching Manual, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Sokoine University of Agriculture, 102 pp.

Mishili, F. J. (2009), Kilimo Cha UmwegiliajikamaBiashara, Teaching Material for Entrepreneurs and Extension Workers, Sokoine University of Agriculture, 26 pp, October 2009.

Mishili, F. J. (2009), Quantitative Decision Making Techniques, Teaching Compendium for Postgraduate Student, Sokoine University of Agriculture, 65 pp.

Mishili, F. J. and N. Y. S. Mdoe (2003), Human Resource Management: A Teaching Manual, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Sokoine University of Agriculture, 67 pp.

Mishili, F. J. (2001), Introduction to Agribusiness: Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship Development in Tanzania: A Teaching Manual, Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Sokoine University of Agriculture, 54 pp.

Manuscripts submitted for publication

Luitfrid, N. and Mishili, F. (2014),“An economic Analysis of Health Insurance Participation Among
Informal Sector Workers in Rural Tanzania,forth coming, submitted to Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development, published by The Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Sokoine University of Agriculture, October 2014.

Mghweno, O, Mishili, F. ,Kidudu, J., Rwambali, E., Mwaseba, D. and Nchimbi-Msola, S. (2014),
Quality Declared Seeds Market in Central Tanzania: An Experience from KongwaDistrict , forth coming, submitted to Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development, published by The Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Sokoine University of Agriculture, October 2014.

Mahenge, J. and Mishili, F. (2014), “Better Yields More Household Income: An Economic Analysis of Farming Systems in Eastern UluguruMountain in Tanzania”, forth coming, submitted to Journal of Agricultural Economics and Development, published by The Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Sokoine University of Agriculture, October 2014.

Workshop/ Seminar / Short courses / Conferences attended

Participant, Good Governance Training Workshop (October 2015)
Attended Good Governance Training workshop for Board of Directors for Sokoine University Graduate Entrepreneurs Cooperative (SUGECO) offered by Konsalttz Professional Services and funded by iAGRI-USAID development program, October 16th – 17th, 2015

Participant andCountry Coordinator for Adoption Pathways Projects (March 2015)
Attend Adoption Pathways Project Annual review and planning meeting and SIMLESA annual meeting which took place at The Rainbow Towers Hotel in Harare, Zimbabwe and funded by ACIAR through CIMMIYT, March 10th – 17th, 2015

Participant, Steering Committee Meeting for RurbanAfrica Project (January 2015)
Participant in a day steering committee meeting that was held in Millennium Breeze Resort, Bagamoyo, Tanzania January 19th 2015

Participant, Planning and Management Workshop of RurbanAfrica Project (January 2015)
Participate in WP1 and WP2 joint planning and management workshop hosted by University of Rwanda at Mater BoniConsili, Butare (Huye), Rwanda 12th – 16th January 2015

Participant, Introspection and Setting up Rice Research Priorities in Tanzania (May 2014)
Participant in a day workshop on Introspection and setting up rice research priorities for Tanzania under phase II & III of the Green Super Rice (GSR) project, Protea Courtyard Hotel, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania, May 27th 2014.

Fellow, the Leadership Enhancement in Agriculture Program (LEAP) of the Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellows Program (Fall2007).

Graduate research assistant, Purdue University (From August 2003 – December 2008).

Membership in professional organization

AGREST Agricultural Economics Society of Tanzania
AAEA Agricultural & Applied Economics Association, U.S.A.
AAAE African Association of Agricultural Economists

https://www.pria.org/https://kkn.cz/https://www.vicino-oriente-journal.it/https://cefta.int/https://www.ami-awards.com/https://nemkv.cz/https://www.cihanturkhotel.com/https://tjs.udsm.ac.tz/slot gacor terbaik