Ms. Innocensia Dickson Pato

Ms. Innocensia Dickson Pato is Assistant Lecturer in the Department of Food and Resource Economics of theCollege of Economics and Business Studies(COEBS) at the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA).

Prior to joining the Sokoine University of Agriculture, Ms. Pato worked as Assistant Lecturer at the University of Dodoma (UDOM) Tanzanian. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness and a Master of Science in Agricultural Economics from the Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA). Ms. Pato teaches agribusiness, microeconomics and macroeconomics at undergraduate level, and supervises undergraduate students’ research projects in a wide range of topics relevant for rural development. Ms. Pato has done various researches and consultancies in various areas including food security, product development and value chains.

Sokoine University of Agriculture
School of Agricultural Economics and Business Studies,
Department of Food & Resource Economics
P.O. Box 3007 Morogoro
Mobile: +255 767 949 454 or +255 789 949 454
E-mails:,, gacor 2025sigma168