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Youth Agri-tour was held at SUGECO on 3rd July and organized by Youth Innovators Club (YIC). The main guest was Dr. Anna Temu a co-founder of Sokoine University Graduate Entrepreneures Cooperatives, SUGEECO. The tour had guest participants from Israel few to mention; Miss Uvan and Roni Nahair  and SUA students from different Degree Programs such as BSC. Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Crop Production and Management, Food Science, Water and Resource Irrigation Engineering, Post-harvest and Bio processing, Horticulture, Agronomy and others. 

The purpose of the tour is to optimize synergies among degree program for agricultural development

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SUGECO farms demostration from SUGECO experties; Dr.Anna Temu (front right) and Mr. Nicolaus Minoja (front left) elaborating on Agriculture opportunities.


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Innovation club presentation from Nicolaus Minoja, undergraduate student (AEA)


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