East Africa Rice Conference 2021 (18-20 May 2021)

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East Africa Rice Conference 2021 (18-20 May 2021)

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The APRA project is implemented in six African countries (Tanzania, Ethiopia, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Nigeria, and Ghana).  In Tanzania, the program is addressing rice commercialization in Kilombero (Mlimba district council) and Sunflower commercialization in Mkalama and Iramba districts in Singida region. 

APRA held a conference in collaboration with the Government of Tanzania and various stakeholders in the entire rice crop value chain in the country. On the first day they discussed Tanzania’s plans while on the second and third day the conference hopes to include other stakeholders from all over the world where more than 500 will participate through the Internet.

The overall objective of this conference is to share experiences on the opportunities and challenges along the rice value chain in relation to inclusion and sustainability in order to forge strategic options for future development that are inclusive and sustainable.

1. To facilitate knowledge exchange on rice sector research and development at national and regional levels;
2. To take stock of public, private, and donor-supported initiatives to inform policy-making and implementation; and
3. To boost multi-stakeholder collaboration toward achieving national and regional rice self-sufficiency, increasing food and nutrition security, and alleviating poverty through inclusive and sustainable production and commercialization.


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APRA Project Lead Researcher for Tanzania, Prof. Aida Isinika  from COEBS explaining the objectives of the regional conference to the stakeholders of the value chain of the Tanzania Rice crop during the opening of the conference

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The coordinator of the meeting, Dr. Christopher Magomba from COEBS explaining the schedule and how the meeting will be held for all three days.


Click here to download Event Brief: East Africa Rice Conference-2021 Event brief

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