Masters and PhD Seminar presentation March 2022

It was on Thursday the 24th of  March 2022, where a parallel series of seminars commenced at  10:30 in the morning at the College of Economics and Business Studies. The seminars was open to the public and candidates from our postgraduate studies of PhD agribusiness ,MSc Agricultural  Economics MBA Agribusiness and MSc  Agricultural and Applied Economics attended the seminars.

Mr Charles Omollo Malaki a PhD Agribusiness Candidate presenting his findings on “Marketing margin analysis among actors in the beef cattle value chain in Longido”

The candidates received and addressed  comments from referees and discussants relating to their research proposals and findings. The candidates who  received comments were instructed to address them and present them in the upcoming seminar session which will be announced to the public through the College Postgraduate office.

The session held were grouped  based on the postgraduate degree programme. The list of presenters and their tittle is presented can be seen below

PhD Moring Session

  • The Effects of Trade Governance on Sugar and its Landscape of Policy Practices in Tanzania-Presented by Rajabu Kangile
  • Marketing margin analysis among actors in the beef cattle value chain in Longido, Arusha-Presented by Malaki Charles Omollo
  • Economic viability of Gliricidia Agroforestry based system in selected dryland areas of Dodoma Region of Tanzania Presented by Shamwila Martha
  • Assesment of consumer demand and WTP for nutritional products: a case of yellow maize Presented by Muhenga Ashura
  • The impact of irrigation farming on poverty reduction among Tanzanian farmers Presented by Namsifu Selemani


MBA Afternoon session

  • Profitability of Oil Palm Farming in Kigoma Rural District Presented by Alex, Andrea
  • To Asses Informal Vs Formal SelfPresented byEmployment of Youth in The Agribusiness Sector in Tabora Municipal Presented by Nyindondi, Eunice
  • Market Analysis of Nyasa Sardines in Ruvuma Region, Tanzania Presented by Mapunda, Gasper 

MSc Afternoon

  • Optimization Of Indigenous Beef Cattle Fattening In Morogoro And Dodoma Regions, Tanzania Presented by Mahendeka, Deogratus
  • Impact of Financial Inclusion on Growth of Tomato Production in Ilula Presented by Ndibalema, Laura
  • Determinants of Postharvest Loss Among Small Scale Maize Producers in Mbozi District, Songwe Region Presented by Mbise, Enock
  • Value Added by Irrigation :A Comparative Study Between Irrigated and Rainfed Agriculture in Malinyi District, Tanzania Presented by Kazungu, Prince

Mr Mahendeka, Deogratus a MSc Agricultural Economics at CoEBS _SUA presenting his research proposal on  Optimization Of Indigenous Beef Cattle Fattening In Morogoro And Dodoma Regions, Tanzania

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