20210617 100913 used

20210617 100913 used

Rural – Urban Transfromation (RUT): Governance, Mobility and Economic Dynamic of Emerging Urban Centers for Pverty Action 

The School of Agricultural Economics and Business Studies  (COEBS) under the Management of  Sokoine University of Agricultural, organized and succesfully conduct policy workshop to discuss and provide feed back about Rural-Urban transformation. It was a two days worshop  (3rd – 4th June) which was held at Sokoine University of Agriculture, Edward Moringe campus, Morogoro, Tanzania. This research is being implemeted by reseachers at Sokoine University of Agriculture in collaboration with Copenhagen University in Denmark. The aim of the workshop was to present the results of the research on urban and rural growth in Tanzania.

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Dr. J. Makindara (left) from School of Agricultural Economics and Buinsess Studies  (COEBS) welcoming the guest of Honor, Dr. Hante Mukuki (right), Director of Urban and Rural Development President Office- Regional Administrative and Local Governent 


The introduction part was presented by Dr. Evelyn Lazaro from COEBS, she stated the overall objective of the project which is “to provide a comprehensive undestanding of development dynamics of Emerging Urban Centres (EUCs) in Tanzania and explore how these impacts on the physical and scio-economic transformation of EUCs in townships”.

The focus of the rresearch is on the relationship betwen people and institution, through the exploration of governance practices, access to services, business and business network along with mobility and livelihood practices.


Group 1: Announcement of Planning areas Is a way to secure Rural rather than Urban Development

Issues to be considered

  • Urbanization focus/urban development in rural setting
  • Political influence for announcement of planning areas: stagnate growth and cost implications for operation
  • Pracitces in decentralization is a challenge: Revenues collection(conflict of interest), budget and decision making 
  • Formalization should be fasten so as to give township authority autonomous in decsion making and planning

Group 2:  What is considered Rural or Urban (Regarding Governance, Identity, Functionality. Admistritatively ETC)  

The prolonged process of Rural – Urban transformation experienced in fast growing small ruban centers in rural regions, is due to insufficient institutions and//or intituional capabilities

Issues to be considered

  • An enabling policy framework at the nationa level
  • Accountable and transparence institution e.g budget, ethical civil servants
  • Inclusive/participatory city planning adressing needs of all groups especially vulnerable gorups
  • Mobilization of resources and collaboration with other partnes (PPP) to build infrastructure
  • Recognition of researchers and use of knoweldge produced by the government to inform policymaking and best practices
  • Political will and interest of our leaders
  • Empower city governments, businesses and CBO with the information resources and capacity to proactively plan for and invest in better urban 

Group 3: The exisitng policy framework limit the process of upgrading Emerging Urban Centres to Townships and Towns

Issues to be considered

  1. Blending and collaboration of policies could reduce conflicting priorities
  2. Community Development Officers is the right cadre to take lead in the undertaking of economic activities in the regions and LGAs
  3. It is important to configure on how EUCs can be incorperated into the investment policy
  4. EUCs be included in planning documents, i.e the rural-urban transformation should be acknowledged
  5. There is a need to recognize the “situational” change in economic shift and strategies

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