Prof. Joseph Hella

Name: Joseph Phillip Hella
Phone / Mobile: +255655787777
Physical address:
Email address: COPY
School: School of Agricultural Economics and Business Studies(COEBS)
Department: Department of Food and Resource Economics (DeFRE)                                                                      
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Academic and Professional Qualifications

Education University / Institute Year of accomplishment Any other relevant information
PhD Ghent University – Belgium 2002 Specialised in natural resources in semi-arid areas
MSc Sokoine University of Agriculture – Tanzania 1992 Specialized in Agriculture marketing
BSc Sokoine University of Agriculture – Tanzania 1987 Rural Economy
Diploma MATI Mlingani – Tanzania 1982 Large scale Farm Management

Research focus (interest) and Specialization

• Economics and decision making of smallholder farmers in semi-arid climate
• Economics of soil erosion
• Climate change and climate smart agriculture
• Ecological farming and organic agriculture
• Economics and value chain of dry-land crops especially groundnuts, sorghum, cowpea, pigeon pea,

Working experience and major Achievement:

• Work experiences: I have worked as a Tutor at MATI Tumbi Tabora (1982-1984), Estate Manager at TANWAT Njombe (1988-1992); Project Mangers Tanzania Nutfields LTD (1993); Tutor at Institute of Rural Development Planning (IRDP) Dodoma (1994) and Associate Professor – SUA Morogoro (1995 to date).

• Research experience: Prominent researcher in areas of farming systems in semi-arid areas, mountain ecosystems, dry land crops, rice irrigation decision systems, vegetables production and utilization, organic agriculture and climate change and seed systems. I have collaborated with number of organization such as SUA, ICRISAT, CGIAR, NORAD, CIMMYT, AGRA, AVRDC, UE, ASARECA, etc. ,
• Consultancy experience: In various field such as Monitoring and evaluation, climate changes, climate smart agriculture, integrated agriculture, policy issues, traditional cash crops (sisal, tobacco, cotton, coffee, tea, sugarcane and cashewnut), vegetable crops production and value chain. I have worked with organisations such as Government of Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Madagascar, Malawi, Zambia, ASARECA, AGRA, AVRDC, FAO, TOAM, FARA, EU etc

• Teaching experience: Agriculture Tutor at MATI Tumbi Tabora (1982-1984), Tutor at Institute of Rural Development Planning (IRDP) Dodoma (1994) and Associate Professor – SUA Morogoro (1995 to date). Subjects taught is, agriculture economics, rural extension, economic planning, macro economics, farm management, project planning and evaluation. I have supervised more than 100 students’ Special projects reports, Masters dissertations and PhD thesis.

• Membership in organisation:
– Leadership for Environment and Development (LEAD) for Southern Africa region
– Inter-Governmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) for the world
– United Nation’s College of Research Associates (CRA) of Ghana
– Agricultural Economics Society of Tanzania (AGREST) – Tanzania

Research publication and Books


1. Hella, J.P. (2015). Farmers Managed Seed Systems in Tanzania: Operation, benefits, successes, challenges and support. Consultancy report published by Tanzania Organic Agriculture Movement (TOAM). Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 72pp

2. Haug, R., J.P. Hella, S. Nchimbi, D.L. Mwaseba, & G. Synnevag (2016). If technology is the answer: What does it take?. Development in Practice Vol. 26 issue 3. 345-357pp

3. Maziku, P., J. Hella, & J. Makindara (2015). Effects of non tariff barriers on market participation for maize smallholder farmers in Tanzania. J. of Development and Agricultural Economics, Vol. 7(11), pp. 373-385

4. Hella, J.P.; G. Sanga; R. Haug; N.Mziray; H. Senga; M. Haji; S. Lyimo A. Moshi, S. Mboya, and M. Bakar (2016). Climate Change, Small farmers’ Adaptation in Pangani Basin and Pemba; Implications for REDD+ initiatives. In REDD+ initiative in Tanzania: The lessons learned. In Kulindwa, K. A., Silayo, D., Zahabu, E., Lokina, R., Hella, J., Hepelwa.,Shirima, D., Macrice, S and Kalonga, S. (eds) 2016 Lessons and Implications from REDD+ Implementation: Experiences from Tanzania. E&D vision Publishers, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania pp 69-92

5. Temu, E.A and J.P. Hella (2014). Assessment of the impacts of sustainable land use practices on food security in West Usambara Mountains, Tanzania. International Journal of Sciences: Basic & Applied Research (IJSBAR) Vol 14 # 1-3:

6. Aloyce, G.M., Gabagambi, D.M., Hella J.P. (2014). National Agricultural Input Voucher Scheme Impact on Productivity and Food Security of Smallholder Farmers in Tanzania; Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, Vol.5, No.21, 2014

7. Sanga, G.J*., Hella, J.P., Mzirai, N., and Senga, H (2004). Impacts of Climate Change on Maize and Beans Production and Compatibility of Adaptation Strategies in Pangani River Basin, Tanzania. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) Volume 17, No 2, pp 196-213

8. Aloyce, G. M., D. M. Gabagambi and J. Hella (2014) Assessment of operational aspects of the inputs (seed & fertilizers) supply chain under National Agriculture Input Voucher Scheme (NAIVS) in Tanzania. Journal of Development and Agricultural Economics, Ref # JDAE/03.09.13/0516.

9. Hella, J.P.; Chilongo, T.; Mbwaga, A.M.; Bokosi, J.; Kabambe, V;. and Riches, C.; Massawe, C.L (2013). Participatory Market-led Cowpea breeding in sub-Saharan Africa: Evidence pathway from Malawi and Tanzania. M.R. Journal of Agricultural Science and Soil Sciences (ISSN: 2350-2274) Vol. 1(2) pp. 011-018

10. Bulte, E., G. Beekman, S. Di Falco, P. Lei and J. Hella (2014). Behavioral Responses and the Impact of New Agricultural Technologies: Evidence from a Double-Blind Field Experiment using cowpea seed in Tanzania. America Journal of Agricultural Economics 96(3): 813-830

11. Apollo, T.K. and J.P. Hella (2013). Economics of Aversive Shrubs in Livestock production: Case study of Ruhanna County Uganda. Easter and Southern Africa Journal of Agriculture Economics & Development Vol. Page 1-4pp

12. Rahhi, Y.A. & Hella, J. P (2013). Crop Choice, Water Use and Profit maximization in Bashay Irrigation Schemes (BIS) in Mbulu District: Linear programming approach, Eastern and Southern Africa Journal of Agriculture Economics & Development Vol. Page 36-42pp

13. Kinyau, M., Ley, G.J., Hella, J.P., Tenge, A.J.,Opio, F and Rwomshana, I. (2013) Economic analysis of rice legume rotation systems in Morogoro,Tanzania, International Journal of Agricultural Policy and Research Vol.1 (2), pp. 041-047

• Chapter in the book

1. Hella, J.P. and A. Wamba (2019). A multicriteria Analysis of agriculture Production Options for Sustainable Uluguru Mountains Natural Resource base. In F.T. Ayuke and N.F. Unuigbe (Ed). New Frontier in Natural Resource Management in Africa. Natural Resource Management Policy, Spinger Switzerland GB, Pg 111-130

2. Eberhard Faust (Germany), Joseph P. Hella (Tanzania), Surender Kumar (India), Kenneth M. Strzepek (UNU /USA), Ferenc L. Toth (IAEA / Hungary), Denghua Yan (China) (2014) Key Economic Sectors and Services, IPCC WGII AR5 Chapter 10, Public Release on 31 March 2014

3. Hella, J.P.; G. Sanga; R. Haug; N.Mziray; H. Senga; M. Haji; S. Lyimo A. Moshi, S. Mboya, and M. Bakar (2016). Climate Change, Small farmers’ Adaptation in Pangani Basin and Pemba; Implications for REDD+ initiatives. In REDD+ initiative in Tanzania: The lessons learned. In Kulindwa, K. A., Silayo, D., Zahabu, E., Lokina, R., Hella, J., Hepelwa.,Shirima, D., Macrice, S and Kalonga, S. (eds) 2016 Lessons and Implications from REDD+ Implementation: Experiences from Tanzania. E&D vision Publishers, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania pp 69-92

• Books
1. Hella, J.P and D. Ndyetabula (2017) Agribusiness Project Planning and Evaluation. Adonis & Abbey Publications, London. 219pp

Any other information you would like to provide
• Travelling (I have travelled extensively in all regions in Tanzania, many countries in Africa and all continents in the world), Listening radio & music, Nature admiration, Mountain climbing


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