Prof. Reuben M.J. Kadigi

Prof.KadigiProf. Reuben M.J. Kadigi is an Agricultural Economist with more than twenty years of experience in research, consultancy and teaching at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA); College of African Wildlife Management in Moshi, Tanzania; and a Visiting Professor at the National University of Rwanda. He holds a PhD in Agricultural Economics from Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) in Tanzania with a specialty in Valuation of Water Resources and Ecosystem Services. He also holds a second degree (MSc) in Management of Natural Resources and Sustainable Agriculture from the Agricultural University of Norway (AUN) and a first degree (BSc) in Rural Economy from SUA. 

He teaches Production Economics as well as Natural Resources and Environmental Economics. His research and consultancy assignments have included among others, carrying out a Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment (SESA) for the National Irrigation Master Plan (NIMP) and National Irrigation Policy (NIP) in Tanzania, Water resources valuation, Livelihood analysis, Assessment of productivity and economic benefits of water utilization, Valuation of ecosystem goods and services, and Assessment of the impact of Food Safety Standards on livelihoods of small-scale producers in Africa.  He has accomplished several value chain studies in the fisheries, agriculture and tourism industries including the fisheries sector in Senegal where he worked as a Southern Resource Person for ENDA/REPAO Managed Action Research Study – Productive Strategies Call for Proposals (IDRC Value Chains Project) which evaluated social impacts of eco- and ethical fish labelling on small-scale producers in Senegal (2010).

Prof. Kadigi has also accumulated a worth of experience from working as a Principal Investigator and Researcher in several other projects funded by different Bi-lateral donors, NGOs and Development Banks, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, DFID, NORAD, Global Development Network, The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, World Bank, African Development Bank, USAID, as well as from federal, regional and local governments in different countries including Tanzania, Senegal, Rwanda, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, Zimbabwe, UK, USA and Norway. He is the author of several (more than 25) journal papers; 4 book chapters, several working papers, research reports and conference papers. gacor 2025sigma168slot gacor thailand