Dr. Damas Philip
Senior Lecturer Department of Trade and Investment
Principal College of Economics and Business Studies (CoEBS)
E-mail: Philip@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 754 208 902
Dr. Fulgence Mishili
Senior Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Deputy Principal College of Economics and Business (CoEBS)
Head of the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness (DAEA)
E-mail: fjmishili@yahoo.com / fmishili@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 713 442 586 / +255 767 442 586 / +255 782 442 586
Dr. Zena Mpenda
Senior Lecturer Department of Trade and Investment
Head of the Department of Trade and Investment (DTI)
E-mail: zekenya@yahoo.com
Mobile: +255 752 956 277 / +255 782 153 23
Dr. Felix Nandonde
Senior Lecturer Department of Accounting and Finance
Head of the Department of Accounting and Finance (DAF)
E-mail: nandonde@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 713 757 157
Dr. Silver Hokororo
Lecturer Department of Business Management
Head of the Department of Business Management (DBM)
E-mail: silverhoko@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 754 957 355
Prof. Jeremia Makindara
Associate Professor Department of Business Management
Deputy Principal (Planning Administration and Finance) Mizengo Pinda Campus – Katavi
E-mail makj@sua.ac.tz / makindalajeremia@hotmail.com
Mobile: +255 754 472 376/+255 784 472 376/+255 715 472 376
Prof. Daniel Ndyetabula
Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
E-mail: ndyetabula@sua.ac.tz / alkard101@yahoo.co.uk
Mobile: +255 713 416 554/+255 754 284 455
Prof. Ntengua Mdoe
Professor Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
E-mail: nmdoe@sua.ac.tz / nmdoe@yahoo.co.uk
Mobile: +255 655 368 166
Prof. Aida Isinika
Professor Department of Trade and Investment
Mobile: +255 754 470 807
Prof. Gilead Mlay
Associate Professor Department of Trade and Investment
E-mail: mlay.isaac@gmail.com
Mobile: +255 762 811 682
Prof. Joseph Hella
Professor Department of Trade and Investment
E-mail: jphella@sua.ac.tz / jphella@yahoo.co.uk
Mobile: +255 753 284 283 / +255 655 787777
Prof. Reuben Kadigi
Professor Department of Trade and Investment
E-mail: rmkadigi@sua.ac.tz / rmkadigi@yahoo.co.uk
Mobile: +255 754 645 157
Dr. Anna Temu
Senior Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
E-mail: aatemu2002yahoo.co.uk, aatemu@gmail.com, aatemu@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 755 344 336/+255 658 534 436 Landline +255 260 3435
Prof. Khamaldin Mutabazi
Associate Professor Department of Trade and Investment
E-mail: kmutabazi@sua.ac.tz / khalmadin@yahoo.com
Mobile: +255 764 637 253
Dr. Evelyn Lazaro
Senior Lecturer; Department of Trade and Investment
E-mail: lazaroa55@sua.ac.tz / lazaroa55@yahoo.co.uk
Mobile: +255 754 293 135
Dr. Adam Akyoo
Senior Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
E-mail: akyoo63@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 754 592 647
Prof. Elibariki Msuya
Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
E-mail: msuyaee@sua.ac.tz / mzeeba@hotmail.com
Mobile: +255 776 431 143/+255 655 254 417
Dr. Betty Waized
Senior Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
E-mail: yzbetty@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 688 232 222
Dr. Florens Turuka
Senior Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Mobile: +255 769 673 092
Dr. Roselyn Alphonce
Senior Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
E-mail: alphonce@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 717 102 831
Dr. Joseph Longo
Lecturer Department of Business Management
E-mail: longo@sua.ac.tz / damson196@yahoo.com
Mobile: +255 744 431 259
Dr. Christopher Magomba
Lecturer Department of Trade and Investment
E-mail: cmagomba@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 713 279 492/+255 788 709 709
Dr. George Fasha
Senior Lecturer Department of Business Management (On secondment)
E-mail: gfasha@sua.ac.tz / gfasha@yahoo.co.uk
Mobile: +255 765 808 090 / +255 652 722 729
Dr. Nicetus Seluhinga
Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
E-mail: snicetus@yahoo.com
Mobile: +255 787 384 884/ +255 655 474 755
Dr. Mahamud Hamad
Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
E-mail: Haeliz-ngaiza@yahoo.com / ngaiza1511@yahoo.com
Mobile: +255 713 468 686 / +255 767 468 686
Dr. Charles Mgeni
Senior Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
E-mail: chlsmgeni099@sua.ac.tz / charlesmgeni@zalf.de
Mobile: +255 714 745 880/+255 753 480 216/+4915788430416
Dr. Ferdinand Temba
Senior lecturer Department of Business Management
Email: ferdinand.temba@sua.ac.tz
Dr. Alan Mlulla
Lecturer Department of Accounting and Finance
E-mail: allan.mlulla@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 784 273 822
Dr. Charles Malaki
Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
E-mail: comalaki@gmail.com
Mobile: +255 713 427 972 / +255 787 280 574
Innocensia Pato
Assistant Lecturer Department of Trade and Investment (On PhD Study Leave)
E-mail: innocensianyanghura@sua.ac.tz / innodpato@gmail.com
Mobile: +255 742 999 329 / +255 689 805 834
Judith Valerian
Assistant Lecturer Department of Trade and Investment (On PhD Study Leave)
E-mail: jvalerian@sua.ac.tz / judysilayo@gmail.com
Mobile: +255 653 836 438
M. Marwa
Assistant Lecturer Department of Business Management
Mobile: +255 713833509
Aika Aku
Assistant Lecturer Department of Trade and Investment (On PhD Study Leave)
E-mail: aika.aku@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 678 054 065
Stephano Maganga
Assistant Lecturer Department of Business Management (On PhD Study Leave)
E-mail: stmaganga@sua.ac.tz / stmaganga@gmail.com
Mobil: +255 715 280 939
Hilder Nyangi
Assistant Lecturer Department of Business Management (On PhD Study Leave)
E-mail: hilder.nyangi@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 753 143 750
Lubango Mayenga
Assistant Lecturer Department of Business Management (On PhD Study Leave)
Email: Lubango.mayenga@sua.ac.tz
Mobile:+255 785 670 078
Asha Jumanne
Assistant Lecturer Department of Business Management (On PhD Study Leave)
E-mail: asha.jumanne@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 754 769 774
Prisca Kimaro
Assistant Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness (On PhD Study Leave)
Email: prisca.kimaro@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 758033878
Dismas Mwacha
Tutorial Assistant Department of Accounting and Finance (On Masters Study Leave)
Email: dismas.mwacha@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 766857136
Venance Mpunde
Assistant Lecturer Department of Business Management
Mobile: +255673064769
Email: venance.mpunde@sua.ac.tz
Frank Mluge
Assistant Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Mobile: +255 629797981
Email: frank.mluge@sua.ac.tz
Revocatus Ntengo
Assistant Lecturer Department of Trade and Investment
Email: revocatus.ntengo@sua.ac.tz
Jacob Chuga
Assistant Lecturer Department of Accounting and Finance
Mobile: +255 762 344 134
Clemence Sulusi
Assistant Lecturer Department of Accounting and Finance
Joshua Mkuji
Assistant Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Mobile: +255 762681577
Email: joshua.mkuji@sua.ac.tz
Rehema Mkwama
Tutorial Assistant Department of Accounting and Finance
Email: mkwama@sua.ac.tz
Peter Philip
Tutorial Assistant Department of Accounting and Finance
Mobile: +255687584118
Rebeca Sekei
Tutorial Assistant Department of Accounting and Finance
Mobile: +255685635577
Anne Marandu
Tutorial Assistant Department of of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Mobile: +255653983646
Email: anne.marandu@sua.ac.tz
Suma Mwakanemela
Tutorial Assistant Department of Business Management
Email: suma.mwakanemela@sua.ac.tz
Vincent Mushi
Tutorial Assistant Department of Trade and Investment
Mobile:+255769 495 569
Email: vincent.mushi@sua.ac.tz