Dr. Damas Philip
Senior Lecturer Department of Trade and Investment
Principal College of Economics and Business Studies (CoEBS)
E-mail: Philip@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 754 208 902
Dr. Zena Mpenda
Senior Lecturer Department of Trade and Investment
Deputy Principal College of Economics and Business (CoEBS)
Head Department of Trade and Investment
E-mail: zekenya@yahoo.com
Mobile: +255 752 956 277 / +255 782 153 23
Dr. Fulgence Mishili
Senior Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Head of Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
E-mail: fjmishili@yahoo.com / fmishili@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 713 442 586 / +255 767 442 586 / +255 782 442 586
Dr. Felix Nandonde
Senior Lecturer Department of Accounting and Finance
Head of Department of Accounting and Finance
E-mail: nandonde@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 713 757 157
Dr. Silver Hokororo
Lecturer Department of Business Management
Head of Department of Business Management
E-mail: silverhoko@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 754 957 355
Prof. Jeremia Makindara
Associate Professor Department of Business Management
Deputy Principal (Planning Administration and Finance) Mizengo Pinda Campus – Katavi
E-mail makj@sua.ac.tz / makindalajeremia@hotmail.com
Mobile: +255 754 472 376/+255 784 472 376/+255 715 472 376
Prof. Daniel Ndyetabula
Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
E-mail: ndyetabula@sua.ac.tz / alkard101@yahoo.co.uk
Mobile: +255 713 416 554/+255 754 284 455
Prof. Ntengua Mdoe
Professor Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
E-mail: nmdoe@sua.ac.tz / nmdoe@yahoo.co.uk
Mobile: +255 655 368 166
Prof. Aida Isinika
Professor Department of Trade and Investment
Mobile: +255 754 470 807
Prof. Gilead Mlay
Associate Professor Department of Trade and Investment
E-mail: mlay.isaac@gmail.com
Mobile: +255 762 811 682
Prof. Joseph Hella
Professor Department of Trade and Investment
E-mail: jphella@sua.ac.tz / jphella@yahoo.co.uk
Mobile: +255 753 284 283 / +255 655 787777
Prof. Reuben Kadigi
Professor Department of Trade and Investment
E-mail: rmkadigi@sua.ac.tz / rmkadigi@yahoo.co.uk
Mobile: +255 754 645 157
Dr. Anna Temu
Senior Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
E-mail: aatemu2002yahoo.co.uk, aatemu@gmail.com, aatemu@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 755 344 336/+255 658 534 436 Landline +255 260 3435
Prof. Khalmadin Mutabazi
Associate Professor Department of Trade and Investment
E-mail: kmutabazi@sua.ac.tz / khalmadin@yahoo.com
Mobile: +255 764 637 253
Dr. Evelyn Lazaro
Senior Lecturer; Department of Trade and Investment
E-mail: lazaroa55@sua.ac.tz / lazaroa55@yahoo.co.uk
Mobile: +255 754 293 135
Dr. Adam Akyoo
Senior Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
E-mail: akyoo63@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 754 592 647
Prof. Elibariki Msuya
Associate Professor Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
E-mail: msuyaee@sua.ac.tz / mzeeba@hotmail.com
Mobile: +255 776 431 143/+255 655 254 417
Dr. Betty Waized
Senior Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
E-mail: yzbetty@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 688 232 222
Dr. Florens Turuka
Senior Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Mobile: +255 769 673 092
Dr. Roselyn Alphonce
Senior Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
E-mail: alphonce@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 717 102 831
Dr. Joseph Longo
Lecturer Department of Business Management
E-mail: longo@sua.ac.tz / damson196@yahoo.com
Mobile: +255 744 431 259
Dr. Christopher Magomba
Lecturer Department of Trade and Investment
E-mail: cmagomba@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 713 279 492/+255 788 709 709
Dr. George Fasha
Senior Lecturer Department of Business Management (On secondment)
E-mail: gfasha@sua.ac.tz / gfasha@yahoo.co.uk
Mobile: +255 765 808 090 / +255 652 722 729
Dr. Nicetus Seluhinga
Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
E-mail: snicetus@yahoo.com
Mobile: +255 787 384 884/ +255 655 474 755
Dr. Mahamud Hamad
Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
E-mail: Haeliz-ngaiza@yahoo.com / ngaiza1511@yahoo.com
Mobile: +255 713 468 686 / +255 767 468 686
Dr. Charles Mgeni
Senior Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
E-mail: chlsmgeni099@sua.ac.tz / charlesmgeni@zalf.de
Mobile: +255 714 745 880/+255 753 480 216/+4915788430416
Dr. Ferdinand Temba
Senior lecturer Department of Business Management
Email: ferdinand.temba@sua.ac.tz
Dr. Alan Mlulla
Lecturer Department of Accounting and Finance
E-mail: allan.mlulla@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 784 273 822
Charles Malaki
Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness (On PhD Study Leave)
E-mail: comalaki@gmail.com
Mobile: +255 713 427 972 / +255 787 280 574
Innocensia Pato
Assistant Lecturer Department of Trade and Investment (On PhD Study Leave)
E-mail: innocensianyanghura@sua.ac.tz / innodpato@gmail.com
Mobile: +255 742 999 329 / +255 689 805 834
Judith Valerian
Assistant Lecturer Department of Trade and Investment (On PhD Study Leave)
E-mail: jvalerian@sua.ac.tz / judysilayo@gmail.com
Mobile: +255 653 836 438
M. Marwa
Assistant Lecturer Department of Business Management
Mobile: +255 713833509
Aika Aku
Assistant Lecturer Department of Trade and Investment (On PhD Study Leave)
E-mail: aika.aku@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 678 054 065
Stephano Maganga
Assistant Lecturer Department of Business Management (On PhD Study Leave)
E-mail: stmaganga@sua.ac.tz / stmaganga@gmail.com
Mobil: +255 715 280 939
Hilder Nyangi
Assistant Lecturer Department of Business Management (On PhD Study Leave)
E-mail: hilder.nyangi@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 753 143 750
Lubango Mayenga
Assistant Lecturer Department of Business Management (On PhD Study Leave)
Email: Lubango.mayenga@sua.ac.tz
Mobile:+255 785 670 078
Asha Jumanne
Assistant Lecturer Department of Business Management (On PhD Study Leave)
E-mail: asha.jumanne@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 754 769 774
Prisca Kimaro
Assistant Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness (On PhD Study Leave)
Email: prisca.kimaro@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 758033878
Dismas Mwacha
Tutorial Assistant Department of Accounting and Finance (On Masters Study Leave)
Email: dismas.mwacha@sua.ac.tz
Mobile: +255 766857136
Venance Mpunde
Assistant Lecturer Department of Business Management
Mobile: +255673064769
Email: venance.mpunde@sua.ac.tz
Frank Mluge
Assistant Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Mobile: +255 629797981
Email: frank.mluge@sua.ac.tz
Revocatus Ntengo
Assistant Lecturer Department of Trade and Investment
Email: revocatus.ntengo@sua.ac.tz
Jacob Chuga
Assistant Lecturer Department of Accounting and Finance
Mobile: +255 762 344 134
Clemence Sulusi
Assistant Lecturer Department of Accounting and Finance
Joshua Mkuji
Assistant Lecturer Department of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Mobile: +255 762681577
Email: joshua.mkuji@sua.ac.tz
Rehema Mkwama
Tutorial Assistant Department of Accounting and Finance
Email: mkwama@sua.ac.tz
Peter Philip
Tutorial Assistant Department of Accounting and Finance
Mobile: +255687584118
Rebeca Sekei
Tutorial Assistant Department of Accounting and Finance
Mobile: +255685635577
Anne Marandu
Tutorial Assistant Department of of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness
Mobile: +255653983646
Email: anne.marandu@sua.ac.tz
Suma Mwakanemela
Tutorial Assistant Department of Business Management
Email: suma.mwakanemela@sua.ac.tz
Vincent Mushi
Tutorial Assistant Department of Trade and Investment
Mobile:+255769 495 569
Email: vincent.mushi@sua.ac.tz