TRADE Hub is a project which is expected be launched in March 2019, conducted a country pre inception meeting on Friday (25th January 2019) at 9:00 am – 16:00 p.m. (East African Time) at the School of Agricultural Economics and Business Studies (SAEBS), Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA). This meeting was in essence a preparatory one for a big pre inception meeting that will be conducted in Cambridge, UK by mid – February, 2019.
TRADE Hub project activities in Tanzania (i.e. activities under WP4 of the Hub). WP4 will deal with Trade policies and economic impacts (power relations). It will map relevant trade policies in wildlife- and commodity- exporting (mainly DAC countries) and analyse interactions of policy frameworks between importing and exporting countries, and the international trade governance. The aim of the mapping exercise is to generate a consistent framework in which to analyse trade and trade policies, in order to understand demand for final products, through demand for intermediate goods and the rules, relationships and regulations that drive sourcing production decisions. These decisions lead to different patterns of social, economic and environmental outcomes along the supply chain. This will incorporate the assessment of the role of company policies and of standards imposed by the finance sector in decision –making. Grounded in analysis of the focal countries and products, the work, the WP will assess the economic consequences (measured broadly in terms of impacts on human welfare) of specific trade flows, and identify levers along supply chains which can influence (and improve) the impacts of trade.